Training service
We offer training on the various topics of REACH, CLP, FDS (e) and Biocides, as well as the dedicated software.

- On the regulations REACH, FDS, CLP, Biocides
- On the use of the software planned for their implementation: IUCLID 6, REACH IT, CHESAR, R4BP, SPC Editor,...
- On the assessment of chemical risk at the workplace via the SEIRICH software
- Intra-company to train your teams. We can adapt our courses in English for you !
- In inter-company
- Qualifying training on Regulatory Management of Chemicals
- Training on mapping sectoral regulations

Objective of this certification?
Certify for 4 years, the quality of the process implemented by the providers of actions contributing to the development of skills, whether they are training actions, skills assessments, actions to validate the acquired experience or training actions by apprenticeship.
This certification offers the possibility of financing our training by your OPCO or CPF.
- More than 500 companies supported and trained in the implementation of REACH, CLP, Biocides, FDS and in the assessment and prevention of chemical risk
- 600 participants in our trainings per year
- 150 webinars and conferences
- More than 170 companies trained in the use of IUCLID software
- 14 different training modules and 6 web-trainings of 2 hours
- 94% satisfaction
For more information on our training